29 Dec 2014: One day more, you might say

Nerves, nerves, nerves. Nerves mean excitement and fear. It’s easier to say what I am excited about than to say what I am scared about, so I’ll start there.

These pictures show where I’ll be. It’s right on the lake, Lake Geneva or lac leman. I am excited in part because Switzerland is beautiful, especially where I’ll be. Of course, I have been to beautiful places before: sitting on the lake or seeing the first snow fall in Minneapolis; watching the hills roll by while driving into Pittsburgh; green earth, winding dirt roads, and an island in the ocean in southern Honduras. Next on the list will be glancing out the window of a train to see a perfect green landscape, or opening my eyes as wide as I can to try to take in the mountains surrounding my school. In Minnesota, we alpine ski down small hills, don’t cha know.


Untitled picture

The change in scenery is just one of the exciting changes. There will be a change in language, currency, people, customs, punctuality, just to list a few that come to mind. Change is good. I love change! Change can be hard, but often in a way where you can show yourself what you can handle.

I suppose change can be nerve-racking as well. Okay, I know it can be. And it can be hard, and I guess that’s what I’m nervous or scared of. I’m nervous for all of those things I didn’t think of.

At the end of the day, I’ve said goodbyes and packed a few bags, and it’s time to push any nerves or fears out of my brain. I can save those for when things go wrong. I’m hoping this is one of those times when being in over my head is the best way to be.


I’ll facebook/email/maybe post my address later. Right now it’s Holly Stein / the Streets of Lausanne / Switzerland. To be fair, I bet the streets are pretty clean.

I should be able to text via wifi with a fancy new app I got. Same number! And if that doesn’t work, there is always facebook. I think you might even be able to make calls through facebook.

Keep in touch!

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